Naming & Tracking

Clean BI data has never been simpler.

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For advanced and complex taxonomy use cases,
check out our dedicated taxonomy suite:
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Naming & tracking is crucial for performance advertising, clean BI data and further marketing decisions. We understand the pain of constantly catching naming mistakes way too late, with no guarantee that these mistakes won't happen again.


By injecting your taxonomies on native media buying platforms, Grasp verifies taxonomy set up during campaign creation process and red flags any mistakes before campaign launch.


Thanks to our native integration, Grasp allows you to build out campaign namings & trackings directly on 15+ media buying platforms, without any learning curve nor process change.

Real-time alert

Grasp triggers real-time alerts at the time of campaign launch of any taxonomy mistakes and noncompliances, by providing detailed information of the source of each noncompliance.

Ready to get started?

Contact us to learn more about our features.
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